I am 35 years old. My girlfriend wants children, but I’m not ready to become a father. And here’s why

My girlfriend and I have been living together for three years. We planned to get married this year. We sincerely love each other.

We are both 35, and all our relatives are just tired of asking when we will have children. I think this is a personal matter for everyone. My girlfriend Alina already has a son from her first marriage, and we love him very much.

But given the events in our country, I’m not ready to give life to someone else. The time is such that you don’t know what to expect next. I am sincerely happy for those who get married and have children in such a difficult time.

Although we both earn good money and work in good positions. We have enough money for everything. I am calm about the fact that my girlfriend spends most of her salary on her son.

Over time, we plan to legalize our relationship. But the issue of having children has put our relationship in jeopardy.

In recent months, Alina has been telling me every day that she wants children. She is ready to give birth even at this time.

Alina has recently undergone a medical examination, and she is quite healthy. Then the doctor turned to me with the words: “Do you want to become a father yourself?”

I realized that I don’t really want to become a father. I am not ready. I’m used to living for myself, and when I have a child, I’ll have to take responsibility for it.

Many people won’t understand me, but I’m sure it’s everyone’s choice. My relatives are trying to convince me in every possible way that despite this, families are created, children are born…

I’m not only worried about my girlfriend and her son, but now I have to worry about the life of another person you bring into the world. And the prices are so high now! This little child needs so much: diapers, food, clothes.

With such thoughts, I’m definitely not ready to become a father right now. And I’m afraid our relationship could deteriorate after that. My Alina will be a wonderful mom. I see how she treats her son. I love her very much and don’t want to part with her.

I don’t know how we will come to an agreement with the girl and how this issue will be resolved.


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I am 35 years old. My girlfriend wants children, but I’m not ready to become a father. And here’s why