– How many more children are you planning to have? – her husband’s mother asked sarcastically.

– How many more children are you planning to have? – her husband’s mother asked sarcastically.

– And you do not joke, Tina. Are you so angry because Max told you about my pregnancy? – Jessica asked calmly.

– Of course! I told you after the third granddaughter to stop with this business. And on New Year’s Eve I even gave you contraceptives so that you would think what you were doing. But I see it didn’t help, – the mother-in-law complained.

– We heard you, but nature is nature.

– Are you going to joke with me now? I will not help you and your children anymore, you should know that!

– So you don’t …, – Jessica did not have time to finish, because the phone rang.

Tina never helped her children. She never took her grandchildren to visit her, and brought gifts and presents only on holidays. Financially they are completely independent. When Jessica became pregnant for the third time, her mother-in-law insisted on an abortion, but the couple refused, then she still stuck to her granddaughter. And then she got pregnant again! Jessica does not tell her husband about the bad relationship with her mother-in-law, the main thing is that they and the children are doing well.

Max has a very good salary and Jessica works part-time at home. And when her small business started to grow, she hired an assistant to help with the children. They have a beautiful family, but Tina is too aggressive woman. She just didn’t like her daughter-in-law from the very beginning, she even hoped that they would quickly part, and then the children left and then some!

Jessica believes that the mother-in-law is against the fourth grandson, because then Max’s money will go to the family and he will not be able to help her. Before that, she was living just fine. He treated her teeth, took her to the sea, and repaired the house. And now that’s it! There will be no more money, so she is worried.

Jessica tries not to pay attention to it, but the constant negativity of her mother-in-law has a bad effect on her emotional state. However, she can hardly influence their decision to become parents for the fourth time.

How to live in such conditions?

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– How many more children are you planning to have? – her husband’s mother asked sarcastically.