The video of a fearless groundhog went viral on facebook, showing the exact moment a farmer finds the peculiar culprit of the continuous theft of his crops. The man got an unusual surprise when he set up a security camera to reveal the identity of the thief and found a defiant groundhog devouring his vegetables. He decided to share the images on social networks and they soon became a trend in countries such as Mexico, Spain and the United States.

According to Upsocl, the farmer who posted the video on Facebook is Jeff Permar, a man who likes to eat fresh, home-grown produce. For that reason, he takes care of his vegetables as if they were his own children, watering them daily and not using any pesticides. Permar’s life changed a few months ago, when he woke up to find that a thief had broken into his farm and stolen his crop. In order to find out the identity of the offender, the man decided to put a fence around his land and install a security camera.
“I noticed that my garden was damaged and it wasn’t a normal pest, it was something different. I had all kinds of vegetables and each one was with bites, it looked like] they were trying a little bit of everything. I looked for footprints to help me identify the thief, but he didn’t leave a trace,” Permar says. After reviewing the surveillance video, the farmer was able to discover that the culprit in his misfortune was a groundhog who was very defiant and had no problem with Permar seeing him eat his vegetables as he posed in front of the security camera.

“At first I was very upset. I raised the height of the fence, put logs around it to prevent him from digging, but nothing worked. He kept getting into my vegetable garden, at least 3 times a day and always looked at the camera,” added the man who decided to make the best of his situation.
Instead of killing or hurting it, the farmer decided to keep it as his ‘pet’ and decided to create a YouTube channel where he usually posts all his videos eating the vegetables. Currently, ‘Chunk’, as the rodent has been baptized, has thousands of followers on Facebook and other social networks.
The funny thing is that ‘Chunk’ called a friend, who has been nicknamed ‘Nibbles’, who has also won the affection of this farmer. If you want to see the cutest images of these rodents that have thousands of fans on Facebook, then feel free to check out our gallery by sliding the main image to the left.