While moms are bombarding forums with questions about what to bring in the first aid kit and whether they will let them in the cabin with the stroller, other tourists are preparing for nervous flights next door to them. For some time now, it’s been straightforward.
If the first time someone else tried to shame the disgruntled citizens that children should be loved, but now the airlines are invited to launch almost separate boards to separate some from others. When did this happen to us?
Have a nice flight!
Exactly when it became fashionable not to close yourself off from life by having a child. Go out to work, continue to have a social life, go to events, including traveling as much as you want. At whatever age the baby is. Our mothers didn’t live such a lavish life, and they didn’t have that in their heads. I can hardly imagine a mother with an infant in a restaurant in the 60s, for example. Or even later. That would have been looked upon as a bliss, and it makes perfect sense.
As much as anyone would run away from this fact, a long-distance trip with a child is stressful for both the child and the parents. To provide comfort for everyone, you have to try. That’s what a lot of people don’t want to do. Going on vacation, people start to relax right away. And let the kids do it on their own. So they themselves are at the mercy of others.
And everyone likes to fly with comfort. No one is ready to wait even two hours of flight in the noise and bustle, when you paid such a price for a ticket. Passengers often even criticize the distance between the seats, so they can relax and stretch their legs. And what kind of distance are we talking about if there’s a five-year-old rampaging in the back and he’s curious to see how the chair swings here and there. In my memory I have not seen anyone who smiles in response to this and make the child “goat.
Kindergarten on the way out.
I once wanted to be polite. When a woman with a baby under a year old sat down next to me, I got my breath. But it soon became clear that not enough was enough. The family turned out to be many children! They were comfortably seated in front, behind, and on all sides, spreading out their belongings, talking over each other, passing bottles and pacifiers down the rows. All that was left was for me to be adopted. Honestly, it was very unpleasant. I was asked to hold this and that without any “please” and almost got doused with boiling water from a thermos a couple of times. That’s great! I had nowhere to go, I had to jump out a window.
Another time on the train, I saw the following picture. The mother of a four-year-old girl was training her exactly for all those 26 hours that we were bouncing on the tracks. The woman was clearly trying not to let the child disturb others. But what did it turn out to be? On the carriage all the time her “daughter, let’s go here”, “daughter, let’s go there”, “and let’s go look in the window”, “and let’s draw” – and 40 minutes of drawing aloud with a choice of all colors of pencils and kinds of dogs and kittens, which they painted. You don’t know which is worse.
How do you not get into a pose after that and on the stand with the suggestion to stay home until the kids grow up? Well, if the child is so calm that the painting will be silent for three hours and fall asleep face into the unpainted dog – ok. But are there such children?
This is not to mention the babies who cry on takeoff, landing, and just like that. And if before there was one per plane, and not always, now there will be three or five. Plus their happy little sisters and brothers, jumping and squealing in the aisles. You get out of such a cabin at about the same speed as it flew.
Mind you, I’m not a Childfree. And have experienced trips with a young child, too. But honestly, forced. Well, I do not have enough nerves to serve an infant on vacation, too. Went when she came to an age where you can on the fingers and explain and basically strictly order “sit tight here, do not touch anything. Well, really, that’s somehow wait it out without coloring. But people do not think so, they give a full package of developmental activities for the child, running, which is extremely important for the growing body, and that’s all.