Social networks are full of pets doing funny or amazing things, either dancing or even singing, but it is rare to see them dominating the ball like professional soccer players. This is the case of this little dog who has gone viral on Tiktok for his ability with the ball.

In the video you can see two people and a little dog playing with the ball to take it between them, at one point the dog manages to get the ball and to everyone’s surprise makes a strange turn which ends in a spectacular tunnel. As if it were Messi’s dog, the control he has with the ball is incredible, besides the fact that he is not a dog but a puppy and his name is Sammy.

The video uploaded by the user @julioezequiel14 quickly went viral reaching 1.8 million views, more than 300 thousand likes and thousands of comments:
“Messi and cr7’s father,” said one.
“I think the mascot is someone else” commented someone else.
“I didn’t believe in reincarnations but that, that’s the diegito jajajaja”, said another referring to Maradona.
“In two weeks you see him playing in Real Madrid,” said a last one.
Below is the video: