Dog born with a permanent smile ‘steals’ rescuer’s heart

Chupey the dog was born with some health problems and needed some treatments and medications so that his liver could stay healthy.

Also, the dog was born without much of his lips, spending most of the time showing his teeth, and this left the dog with a permanent smile.


“A woman who had already brought me a litter of puppies that had seizures came back to me with 3 other smaller puppies: two were healthy and one was very different and looked a bit like a wolf,” the owner explained to the newspaper. Metro.

Being a puppy, the dog had to undergo a condition-specific diet. The radiologist, from Georgia, USA, recommended a series of special foods to help his liver problems. The dog was named after a popular creature called Chupacabra. The shelter would care for the dog only if the woman who surrendered Chupey and his siblings, as puppies, paid to have the dog spayed or neutered.

“At first we couldn’t understand what was wrong with him, he had a different physical appearance than most dogs because he has no fur, his ears are upside down, he has small round eyes and, of course, he always has his teeth in. display, giving him his smile,” added Kyle.


In addition to this rare condition, the dog has little body hair, and always needs care and sunscreen when he goes out during the day, especially in the sun, in colder weather, the dog is always warm. According to DNA testing, Chupey is a funny mix between a pit bull and a rottweiler.

“He’s also incredibly affectionate – if you grab a blanket, he’ll come running and bark at you until you let him sleep. I think people need to give special needs dogs a chance and look at dogs that aren’t as beautiful and flashy as others. I hope I can encourage people to look at dogs differently and understand that personality is more important than looks.”


Nowadays the dog does everything a dog can do, the hard part is over, now it’s just about living life and enjoying the loving family he has gained.

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Dog born with a permanent smile ‘steals’ rescuer’s heart