This is the sweetest, most beautiful thing to happen! A gorgeous mama deer gave birth to three precious and beautiful babies.
That mother deer knew she and her babies would be safe at your place.
Let her take care of her babies in her own way. Wonderful to see. 🥺🦌
In a suburb of Cleveland, TV newsman Gabriel Spiegel watched his very own Bambi moment play out in his backyard. That’s where Ruby, the name he’s given to a wild deer who sometimes pays a visit, recently gave birth to three fawns.
Spiegel captured the sweet scene on camera as Ruby tended to her babies while they took their first faltering steps.
It was the miracle of life!!!
Incredibly, as Spiegel looked on, Ruby gave birth to a brand-new baby fawn.
But Ruby wasn’t finished yet… Actually, far from it.
By day’s end, Ruby had given birth to not one, not two, but three precious babies.
This is a rare occurrence as well. By some estimations, only around 2 percent of deer births result in triplet fawns.
Ruby and her young family continued to rest in Spiegel’s backyard through the evening. By the next morning, however, they were all on the move — departing Spiegel’s property as a happy foursome.
This isn’t the first time Ruby has picked Spiegel’s place to give birth. Over the past four years, she’s had two other fawns there, babies Spiegel named “Opal and Jade.”
Opal and Jade have since grown up, following in their mom’s tradition.
Spiegel said: “They’re regular visitors now, too,” adding that Ruby’s newest offspring are welcome back anytime as well.
“We are naming these three beauties ‘Sapphire, Topaz, and Diamond.’”
She felt she would be safe having her babies in your yard! ♥️
You’re so blessed to have such beautiful animals in your backyard ❤❤️😊
What an honor to have this happen in his yard!
How absolutely beautiful and how privileged you must feel knowing that she trusted you enough to have her babies on your property. She must really trust you ♥️♥️
Trust in friendship, love, and kindness goes a long way ❤️🙋
Watch the video to see the backyard birth of three adorable fawns: