-David, are you out of your mind? What did you buy your mother for her birthday? Well, you give! – Vivian was indignant.
-Vivian, what do you really don’t like? I think it’s a wonderful gift. And what do you think should have been given?
-No, well, of course I bought her some cream, expensive cosmetics, what she likes. But you surprised me. Well, okay, I understand, you and your mother-in-law have your own relationship, I’d rather not pry, – Vivian joked.
But, as they say, there is only a part of a joke in every joke. And the rest is the truth. David had a special relationship with his mother-in-law from the very beginning.
Grace, Vivian’s mother, loved her son-in-law.
Before David, Vivian, a girl with honors in school and a red diploma, did not pay attention to boys at all. While studying, Vivian did not meet anyone. And then she quickly got her way, fell in love without memory. She even spoke in her sleep, repeated his name.
Donald, Donald…
After some time Vivian introduced her parents to this Donald. It seems like an ordinary guy, at first glance, even not bad, he just hides his eyes. They asked what he does, what he graduated from? He smiled and said that everything was fine. We asked Vivian, tell us about Donald, what family he is from, where he works. Vivian got angry, said that they love each other, and the rest does not matter. That the person is important to her, not her family and work!
And then a very strange thing happened. Once Grace and her husband were going to visit. She tried on a new dress, and decided that a gold pendant in the form of a crown would be perfect for it.
It was the last gift from her mother, and therefore it was very precious to Grace.
I looked in the casket – strangely, there was no pendant. There was none in the old box either. Then the man came in, his face worried:
-Grace, did you take cash from my pocket? Strange, I took it on purpose, just in case. And now I see it’s missing.
Grace and Richard went to visit anyway. But the mood was spoiled.
On the way back, Richard suggested:
-Grace, maybe we can ask Vivian? At least about the pendant, in case she took it without asking and didn’t return it in time? Or she saw it somewhere, you could have put it in the wrong place.
-Richard, I don’t even know, Vivian has never done that, and if she had seen it, she would have told me. Anyway, do you think it’s a coincidence? Both the pendant and the money disappeared, just like that, at once.
We came home and Vivian was in tears. Donald had left her. The friend told Vivian that Donald likes to play, and whispered something else.
And that Vivian was not the first, he also dated someone else for a short time and left her. And before that he borrowed money. Word for word, it turned out that he had borrowed Vivian’s presents from her parents, which they gave her for a new computer!
Richard blushed, but Grace told her husband to keep quiet! Do not talk about our disappearance, do not make it worse. Vivian is already crying – her first love failed!
A year later David appeared. The guy came with his father to build a veranda at their dacha.
David works and keeps looking at Vivian. And Vivian at first snorted, did not pay attention. And then she started to answer. She would come up, talk, laugh, bat her eyes.
Once David came to their house.
-Grace, Richard, your father and I have finished all the work. We have done what you paid us, – and somehow David crumples, as if he wants to say something else.
-Thank you, David, I’ll go and thank your father too. A good veranda turned out! It’s beautiful. We decided to give you and your father another prize. Because you did everything qualitatively, and faster than we agreed, – and Richard went outside.
And David immediately:
-Grace, I wanted to ask you something else… I really like your daughter, Vivian. But my father told me – stay out of it, David is not for you, she is such a girl. What do you say, Grace, but be honest. I won’t go against my parents, I won’t have a good life, – and looks questioningly.
Hundreds of thoughts flashed in Grace’s head. After all, she wanted Vivian to have a husband with education, from their environment.
She had all kinds of ambitions. And her inner voice – look, Grace, David is a good guy. Honest, hardworking, smart, he respects his father. No university can teach that!
-David, you’re a great guy. If Vivian wants to go out with you, I will be happy to. It’s up to you,” Grace said, and she never regretted it. David immediately brightened up:
-Thank you, Grace! And from that moment she became his best friend.
Grace even then heard David whisper quietly – thank you, Mom.
Maybe it seemed, but behind the eyes, as she later learned from Vivian, he began to call her that:
-Mom said it!
-Mom asked me to do it, mom needs help!
Although in person he always called her Grace only respectfully.
And wow, Vivian’s heart responded. She says David is an interesting guy, not an idle one. She says that his father is very good too! And his mother is a dentist, she is very respected at work.
And they have cats in their house, just like us. They love cats as much as we do. They also took three cats, went out and fed them. Now the cats are well fed and pampered, that’s what kindness does!
And David’s mother says that he has been fond of modeling since childhood. And he plays table tennis very well, we play together now.
That’s how it is! I used to say that it doesn’t matter what kind of family they are and what they do for a living. And now all this has become important. Because you can see the feelings are mutual, real, not fake.
And Grace supported them, she liked this guy to her heart. David and Vivian got married. Now they live in the next house, in their grandmother’s apartment. Vivian is pregnant, she will give birth soon. They said a boy. Grace and Richard are happy for their daughter. And they like David – Vivian loves him, he opened a construction company with his father, he works hard.
David felt that he had settled down. It was very pleasant for him. And in return, he sincerely loved his mother-in-law, was ready to do anything at the first call.
On his mother-in-law’s birthday David bought her a gorgeous bouquet of flowers. He already knew what flowers Grace liked.
He also bought his mother-in-law a small trinket as a gift. A friend told the master that he could make anything on request. He also bought something separately… Vivian taught David how to choose gifts. At first, he chose everything practical.
But Vivian said that on his birthday he should give his own gift. It’s a birthday! So for the New Year they gave Grace and David a dishwasher. And today…
David held out the box. However, Vivian laughed a little at his gift. It was really unusual. But David felt that his mother-in-law would appreciate both the originality and elegance of this thing.
The mother-in-law opened the box and gasped.
-“Oh, what is it?” she said, “It’s a cat. What a beauty, a cat in a dress. I can’t believe it. Wait, what’s it made of? David, really? Is it… Gold? And the stones, how beautiful! The dress is gorgeous, royal. Wait, is this a reference to our cats? Or that I’m the queen of cats? Well, yes, look, she has a crown on her head, – Grace squinted and brought the figure closer. And then…
-What is it?! Just look, it’s my mother’s crown pendant, which I… Which I lost. My God, what a gift, David, you have no idea how grateful I am!
The cat looked at everyone with emerald eyes. Her dress was shimmering with rock crystal. And on the cat’s head, between the ears, a graceful golden pendant in the form of a crown flaunted victoriously.
The last gift from my mother for Grace. Which was immensely dear to her. And which, thanks to her son-in-law, incredibly returned to her again