Daughter played games with us, asking for an apartment, and when we gave her real estate, she sneakily deceived us and left us with nothing.

Even the most family is capable of deceiving and betraying for the sake of money. Nika turned out to be just that.

My husband and I raised her in love, we always taught her good things, and when she became an adult we could not be glad that we brought up such a clever girl. She studied well, she found a good job, and her husband is a handsome and hard worker. It would seem, what else do we need to be happy? It turned out she needed an apartment.

Anna carefully approached the question, often complaining about expensive rent and the inability and the rest of his life to scrape together for a personal apartment, and this prompted my husband and I to the idea to sell our large apartment, and in exchange buy a small for her daughter and at least a room in the dormitory for us.

We traded our comfortable life for real estate for our daughter because she really wanted her own place. There was no happier moment when we handed her the keys and she cried with joy and thanked us all.

It was only six months after Anna and Frank sold the apartment and moved to a small town. My husband and I couldn’t understand it. We had sold everything of ours in order to buy our daughter an apartment in the capital, though it was much more expensive. Moreover, she did not even consult us.

And later it turned out that she did not really need the apartment, only the money. At the stage of the sale of our apartment, she asked to give her money, and she and her husband took something for themselves, but we decided that it was better to make a worthwhile gift in the form of an apartment. And for nothing. The daughter and son-in-law just got into debt on loans and could not pay back, so they were willing to sell everything in the world, including our gift.

Now they live somewhere in a shabby apartment in a house to be demolished, but they spent so much time with my husband and me… And I thought that Anna was doing well and never needed anything, that they were so hard-working and always had money.


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Daughter played games with us, asking for an apartment, and when we gave her real estate, she sneakily deceived us and left us with nothing.