Daddy 17, Mama 31: The couple decided to keep the baby and turned into a beautiful family

A really, really beautiful family.

A 31-year-old woman in Britain had a baby with a 16-year-old guy. More precisely, at the time of the baby’s birth the boy was already 17.

James and Catherine met online and did not even think about an affair. But a year later, they realized that they were in love. Seven months later, they found out that they were going to be parents.

The guys decided that they could take care of a baby together. Or rather, another child. After all, Catherine already had two daughters: 5 and 13 years old.


Of course, not everyone supported James. The family thought it was foolish to become a father at 17 and even more foolish to commit to a woman who was almost twice as old and had two children from a previous relationship.

But James was determined to be a good father. The couple has been together for three years. During this time, Catherine has lost weight, has become more active in her work, so that the young guy always admires her.

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Daddy 17, Mama 31: The couple decided to keep the baby and turned into a beautiful family