Through TikTok, funny stories are published daily that manage to attract the attention of thousands of users on different internet platforms. One of them was shared a few days ago and managed to become viral and draw more than one laugh because of the tender antics of a little dog. In a video shared by the user @anderava586, the spectacular reaction of a canine dog pretending to fall was seen. As could be seen, the pet’s caretaker was sitting on a piece of furniture with his naughty furry friend.
While trying to rub herself on her master’s pants, the canine almost fell to the floor, but instead of seeing what object she would possibly hit herself with, she took advantage of the moment to steal a piece of cake that was on a small table in the center of the room.
So far, the recording has achieved more than 519,000 views and thousands of comments, among which highlighted the great cunning of the animal to deceive its owner.
“I fall, but on top of a cake”, “I fell right into the cake and with my snout open”, “The little dog: I saw the opportunity and I used it”, “That’s called strategy”, “A perfect and coldly calculated plan”, were some reactions to TikTok’s publication.
Below is the video: