La vida
I didn’t get married because while we were getting ready to get married, my fiancé and his mom were redoing the property
It wasn’t long ago that I had such dreams of getting married. But unfortunately, my wedding to
La vida
I don’t want, like my mother-in-law, to plow like a slave all my life, be left alone and get so sick in my old age
I am married and I have only one dream: to have a normal vacation. Unfortunately, in my weekends I do
La vida
During my divorce, my husband’s mother said a lot of hurtful things to me, and now she pretends it never happened…
I have no strength or desire to communicate with my mother-in-law. My husband’s mother is a mean
La vida
My spouse refuses to help with my son, and my mother and mother-in-law think I’m demanding too much
Not long ago, I was sure that silly prejudices were a thing of the past, but my in-laws turned out to
La vida
– My daughter is mad that I don’t help unlike my in-laws, but they have their own business and I live on my pension
My daughter told me that she is very embarrassed in front of her in-laws because I do not help them in any way.
La vida
My family was mortally offended because I decided to take some time off
Somehow I wanted to give myself a vacation, but my relatives on this account was a different opinion.
La vida
“My mother-in-law is demanding that my husband pay for her surgery. And I’m against it, let others help too.”
I have quite a large team at work. Over the years we have developed our own company. Women’
La vida
The brothers’ wives were not satisfied with the amount of gratitude
My parents raised three children, me and my two younger brothers. And the first and second daughter-in-law
La vida
– You live with your mother, she’ll provide for you and feed you properly. And I need the money! – my husband told me and took away the card that I used to receive my child allowance.
I met Mark when we both graduated from high school. Mark went off to serve in the army, and I waited for him.
La vida
– I should get my mother’s apartment, because I need it more! – My older sister told me.
I am 26 years old. I got married three years ago. I have a son. He is two years old. We live in my husband’