Every day this little dog would go from his owner’s stall to the pet store to buy his food and come back to be served. Buddy, a puppy who carried money in his muzzle to pay for his food, dies. No one experiences true love until they have a pet that changes their life. And as much as it pains us, when it’s time to say goodbye is when we really notice how much they did for us.

When we have a puppy we know that their unconditional love and devotion is one of the most beautiful gifts that these noble creatures give us. There are even pets that transmit so much love that they win the hearts of our friends, neighbors and even an entire community. This is what happened with Buddy, a 14-year-old golden retriever puppy who left everyone very touched by his departure. This beautiful little friend was very well known in Argentina, earning the title of “the little canillita dog”, for being the loyal companion of his owner at a newspaper stand.
Buddy became very popular for his cunning and independence. His owner taught him to cross the street and walk alone to the pet store with a bag of coins in his muzzle. Upon arriving at the store, the saleswoman knew that Buddy was waiting to receive his bag of food and then run to his owner’s stall and wait anxiously for him to serve it to her.

After a video went viral showing him walking from his owner Alberto’s newsstand to a store selling pet food, Buddy attracted the attention of hundreds of people. “No matter how much you pushed him to cross, he wouldn’t do it unless I gave him the command. He was super smart. The first time we went to the corner store to buy his food and I told the girl that he was going to go by himself with his bag and money, she looked at me funny,” said his owner.
The stall received daily visits just to meet Buddy. Many people approached Alberto to confess that they had come just to meet the unusual little dog and pet him for a while. His owner confessed that he never thought Buddy would become his most loyal companion. He said he met him when his daughter wanted a golden because of a movie where she loved the breed. He knew he wanted an adopted dog, but as fate would have it, someone offered him Buddy, a puppy that was the last of his litter, and Alberto took him home for a nominal fee.
Alberto confesses nostalgically that he feels very proud of his puppy. He loves knowing that even though he is gone, everyone in the community remembers him and lets him know every time they visit his place.

“His labs were perfect, he went down in a matter of days. I had to help him stand up and to get him to eat I would soak his food with bread and milk. He didn’t suffer, he wasn’t in pain, the vet told me that a dog of this size doesn’t live more than 10 or 12 years. He made it to 14 and in good health. It comforts me to know that the fat one died without suffering and that he is resting peacefully”, said Alberto.
We are happy to know these stories where we can see how the noble spirit of these pets can touch the hearts of thousands of people. We know that Buddy departed very happy and will always be remembered.
“He was my friend, my family. He was my friend, my family. He always listened to you, he wanted to eat all day long, he had a beautiful life, caressed and pampered by all the people who came to my workplace”, concludes Alberto.