That’s what the girl’s mom did…
So who should be responsible for what happens at school? The parents or the teachers and principal? Do you tell your children what sexual harassment is and how to protect yourself from it? This story shows that if you teach your children how to behave properly and understand simple things, you will keep him and yourself safe from unpleasant situations in the future.
A boy was harassing his classmate all the time. It all got to the point where he unbuttoned her bra in class, and the girl defended herself by hitting him in the face twice. The school administration called the parents. And the story had a different meaning… The girl’s mother was at work. She had two hours left on her shift. She worked as a nurse. She left her phone in the locker room. So the school administration called the work phone.
When the woman answered, she was told that her daughter had hit the boy in the face and it was all very serious. And there was no further explanation. The woman arrived at the school one hour later. The principal met her with the words, “We’ve been waiting for you for a very long time!” In addition to the principal there was the class teacher, the boy’s parents and the boy himself with blood on his face. – Sorry,” answered the girl’s mother, “I had a lot of work. For the last 40 minutes I’ve been stitching up a 7-year-old child whose mother hit him on the head with a bucket, and then I gave an explanation to the police.
The director blushed after these words and moved the topic of conversation to the point. – The boy was pulling on your daughter’s bra, and she went and hit him twice in the face and made him bleed. It seemed to the mother that the principal was blaming her daughter. Then she said the following: – I understand!
And you’re wondering if I’m going to press charges against the boy’s parents and the school for allowing the sexual harassment of my daughter to happen? Everyone present became visibly nervous. No one expected such an answer from a woman. The teacher replied, “It’s not that serious! Tragedy has not happened, let’s stay calm. The principal: “You don’t understand the situation. The boy’s mother began to sob, and the woman began to talk to her daughter.
The daughter of the woman, “He was pulling my bra. I complained to the teacher, but he told me not to pay any attention. When he undid it, I hit him.”
When the mother heard her daughter’s words, she asked the teacher why he allowed one to hurt the other and took no action. – May I touch the front of your pants now? – Turned the girl’s mother to the teacher. – No! Are you out of your mind! – The teacher answered. Then the mother suggested that the teacher walk up to the boy’s mother and pull her bra. Principal: “Your daughter hit a boy in her class!
– No!” replied the girl’s mother.
– She protected herself from sexual harassment. How many times did she have to let this guy touch her if the teacher didn’t want to protect her, even though he should have.
Look, my daughter is 5’6″ and this guy is almost 6’2″. He’s stronger and taller than her.” The boy’s mother sobbed all over the principal’s office and his father blushed- If you and your teachers don’t allow yourself to be treated like that, why is it allowed for a guy to do that to a 15-year-old girl?
I’ll report it to the Administration. And you…” she turned to the boy, “if you ever touch my daughter again, I will lock you up for sexual harassment. Do you understand me? The woman didn’t just leave it at that. She called the administration, who were shocked by the action of the teacher and principal, and promised to look into it.
Always be on the child’s side in these situations. Never be silent. Protect your children!