– Another womanizer! – the cashier said looking at the goods that the man had bought.

It was an ordinary summer Friday. The man put 4 boxes of chocolates, 4 bouquets of flowers and 4 postcards in front of the cashier. The woman, when she saw the ring on his finger and all that, could not resist and said:

– Oh, another womanizer!

People immediately began to look at the man and shake their heads. Then he said in a calm voice:

– I was going to give one set to my mother. My father often made her gifts, and after his death I continue the tradition. The second set I will give to my wife, she is a wonderful woman, loving and caring, so she deserves more than one such surprise. The third one is for my daughter, so that she understands what attitude should be from a man. And the fourth one I wanted to give to you, you have a hard job and I thought I could cheer you up. And have a good day!

The woman’s face turned red in a second. She did not know where to look and did not say anything. She had never felt such shame before. And people who were nearby whispered for a long time and it was heard how they praised that man.

Could the cashier avoid shame?

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– Another womanizer! – the cashier said looking at the goods that the man had bought.