Anna and her husband returned home from the store. Before they even had time to put the packages on the table, her phone rang.
– Anna, don’t answer it. Later you will say that the phone was on silent and you did not notice, – her husband said.
– You yourself know that she knows by heart when I’m coming back. It’s easier to answer, otherwise she’ll make a scandal later. – Anna picked up the phone.
– What’s wrong, daughter? Don’t you want to talk to me? You were supposed to be home forty minutes ago.
– Mom, my husband and I went to the store after work. I’ll take a quick bath, eat and call you back, okay?
– What are you going to eat? What you’re cooking is inedible. I still don’t understand how your son-in-law hasn’t left you. Wait, I’ll be there in half an hour. I’ll bring you some normal food, – Anna’s mother said and hung up.
Anna sat down on the floor in the corridor and began to cry. She is thirty, she speaks three languages, she has a good job, a husband, she will soon become a mother herself, and for her mother she is a bad daughter. All her life her mother has underestimated her, constantly telling her that she is worthless, not even worthy of her husband.
Half an hour later the mother arrived. The pensioner entered the apartment with a smile on her face, with a large package in her hands. She gave the package to her beloved son-in-law, as the owner took off her coat and, ignoring her daughter, entered the room to play with the dog. Anna loved her dog like her own child, taught her commands and was proud of her.
– Anna, your dog is as clumsy as you are. Although, why am I surprised? Why is the house a mess? The floor is dirty, socks are lying on the floor in the corner of the room. And the wardrobe? I taught you to keep your shirts and pants separate. Ugh.
The husband decided to support his wife.
– We cleaned last night. She mopped the floors this morning. And everything in the closet is neat.
Ignoring her son-in-law’s words, she continued.
– I am a pensioner, and food is getting more expensive. I can not feed you forever at my own expense. Buckwheat has already risen in price, and rice costs a fortune.
– Mom, – Anna replied, holding back tears, – You take the initiative to bring us food. We do not ask for it.
– But you would have long been in the hospital with stomach problems if not for my food. Ungrateful! – said the mother, took her coat and left the apartment, closing the door.
– It can’t go on like this! – Anna said and burst into tears.
– It is true what they say that an annoying mother is worse than a stepmother, – said the husband and hugged his wife.