Amalia is fed up with the fact that they are counting pennies in the family, and her husband’s children live as they want at the expense of their father, and she decided to act.

Is it right to divide the budget in the family? So that the husband pays his expenses and the wife pays hers? Probably, everyone has their own opinion on this matter. According to Amalia, it is necessary. But her husband, with this approach, remains “without pants”.

This is the second marriage for both Amalia and her current husband. At the time of their marriage, Amalia’s children were already adults living separately. Her husband’s children also grew up, but lived with their mother. From the outside, it might seem that nothing prevents their cloudless happiness. But it was from the outside. Amalia noted that almost all of her husband’s salary goes to the maintenance of his sons. And he lives at her expense. Of course, she did not like this state of affairs.

Amalia demanded from her husband to cut the money to her children. The man replied with a strong refusal.

– I am obliged to help children and solve their problems.

The last straw that overflowed Amalia’s cup of patience was her husband’s reaction to help her daughter when she needed money.

– “Well, she is a grown girl! She has to solve her own problems!” – the man said then.

– What does it mean? My children have to solve their own problems, and you have to solve their problems for your children. So solve them. But only with your salary. And don’t forget this, to allocate a portion of your salary for utilities and food.

From that day on, their budget became separate. Amalia has enough money for food, gas for her car, and her half of the utility bills. And the husband, after his wife deducts the amount for goods and utilities from his salary, has virtually nothing left.

But the man should not have been impudent. Amalia suggested to solve all misunderstandings peacefully, and not to go to extremes. But when you can’t get it through your head, you have to get it through other parts of the body. The woman does not intend to divorce, but she will not keep her husband either.

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Amalia is fed up with the fact that they are counting pennies in the family, and her husband’s children live as they want at the expense of their father, and she decided to act.