Alex’s parents were a little late for the meeting, and even entered the house wearing holes in their socks. Alex already thought it was the end.

Like all people who have just recently made it in the world and moved to the city from the countryside, Alex was very worried that he might make the wrong impression on people, that he might scare them away from him, seeming like some kind of village fool. Fortunately, in a short time he adapted, and soon he was even able to find a good company there, and a girl. And an interesting story happened when Alex was going to introduce his girlfriend to his parents, because the wedding was just around the corner. He delayed this moment to the last, because his parents are typical rural people, with a completely different mentality, which is very different from the city.

One day, the girl’s parents invited Alex and her parents to their house to meet and get to know each other better. The day before, Alex had a serious talk with the parents, explained that his girlfriend’s parents are completely different people, with a different social status, and they can scare them away with their behavior, and not even notice it.

And so, on the day of the meeting, when Alex was already sitting with the girl and her parents, Alex’s parents were a little late. They entered the house in holey socks, and Alex’s father put two huge presentations wrapped in newspapers on the table. Alex already thought, they say, that’s it, that’s the end, they just will not let him and the girl get married. But, suddenly, the girl’s father was very interested in the topic of agriculture, and that’s how the elderly people began to talk for a long time about different types of cheese and ways of its production. Everything did not go as Alex expected, because the acquaintance of future matchmakers turned out to be much better.

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Alex’s parents were a little late for the meeting, and even entered the house wearing holes in their socks. Alex already thought it was the end.