After her beloved She could not accept her daughter’s new chosen one

Recently, Sarah began to worry whether she had done too badly to her daughter. After all, it was her fault that she and Mark had fallen out.

Sarah was very ashamed of her daughter. Six months into her pregnancy, her daughter told her that she loved another man, and that she was carrying his child under her heart. Mark did not make a scandal, he felt sorry for the unborn child. Four years have passed since his daughter has a new family. She lives a quiet life. But after that she lost contact with her mother. And here is the reason.

Mark immediately took a liking to Sarah, he was polite and loved his daughter. But from the very beginning of their family life, the woman was cheating on her husband. Every time she made up different stories: she was detained at work, or needed to console a friend, or was in a beauty salon. Mark blindly believed her. When he found out about the lover, he didn’t think twice. He packed his wife’s things and took her to the man. Sarah could not influence her daughter.

The daughter tried to make sure that Sarah and her new husband became related. She even brought him to meet her mother. But her mother could not accept him and kept away from him. Even their granddaughter, who was born to them, Sarah could not accept. When she looked at the girl, she immediately remembered Mark’s sad eyes and her daughter’s shameful act.

Later, Sarah realized that the child was innocent and began to treat her as her own granddaughter. But her relationship with her new son-in-law did not change. Since then, if the daughter came to her mother, it was only with her daughter. Sarah did not even want to see her new son-in-law. It was because of him that her daughter’s family was ruined.

Deep down, Sarah still hoped that Mark and her daughter would reconcile. She considered her former son-in-law to be a good man, and he would definitely accept someone else’s child. Moreover, her granddaughter was a surprisingly well-behaved and sweet girl. But this did not happen.

During the holidays, Sarah and her family wanted to come to visit her parents. Sarah was very happy about it. But she told her daughter to come without her husband. The daughter refused. Then Sarah decided to invite Mark to visit.

At the table, she hinted to Mark that she would be happy if he and her daughter were together again. Mark replied that everything is in the past and they will never be together. They are adults, each with their own lives.

Sarah admitted to her son-in-law that she felt guilty about what had happened between her daughter and him. Her former son-in-law was quick to reassure her. “Anything happens in life, you need to find the strength to move on.

Realizing that nothing could be changed, Sarah wished Mark to find his happiness. Time has passed. They still have a good relationship, but Sarah has not accepted her current son-in-law.

Who could have known that her son-in-law could become closer than her own daughter?


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After her beloved She could not accept her daughter’s new chosen one